Today's post was inadvertently set up on two sites. I'd like everyone to visit Tony-Paul Vissage's excellent site to see my guest post for him. It's been one of those mornings when :a )Microsoft decided my copy of Windows was invalid (it was genuine) b.) my .pdf creator went south c.) The sprinkler timer decided to go south d.) my browser thought it would be fun to post the same thing 8 times on Facebook. e.) blogger decided Explorer wouldn't work with it anymore.
Tony-Paul Vissage has created a beautiful site. You'll like it, trust me. Wish I could design like that...
Please visit Tony-Paul at
7 New Books Recommended by Readers This Week
2 weeks ago
Now I am in the process of taking a look at naming agencies that offer a reasonable rate for their service. I came across this one and they seem to be very successful as the CEO even had a bestseller book in Amazon. What do you think? They seem to stand out among the competition.portfolio